Friday 28 April 2017

LO4: Understanding the BBFC Ratings

The  BBFC Rating for U is for everyone can watch it and there is nothing violent or any content that not suitable for children, where as U is and any age can watch it.
PG rating is a parental guidance where children under cannot access the film the only way they can is by parents being there and parents can decide if they want their child to wathc it.
12A is for 12 years and up as this would include some minor swearing and  if your under age you have to be with an over 18.
15- you have to 15 or over to watch the content as it has very strong lanuage, violence so it would not be suitable for under 15 as  it would not suitable.
18- This is only for adults as it has full nudity scenes and full on swearing, violence as it has lot of detail on it.

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