Friday 28 April 2017

LO4: Understanding the BBFC Ratings

The  BBFC Rating for U is for everyone can watch it and there is nothing violent or any content that not suitable for children, where as U is and any age can watch it.
PG rating is a parental guidance where children under cannot access the film the only way they can is by parents being there and parents can decide if they want their child to wathc it.
12A is for 12 years and up as this would include some minor swearing and  if your under age you have to be with an over 18.
15- you have to 15 or over to watch the content as it has very strong lanuage, violence so it would not be suitable for under 15 as  it would not suitable.
18- This is only for adults as it has full nudity scenes and full on swearing, violence as it has lot of detail on it.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

LO4: Evidence of a focus group screening of your finished film

We screened our documentary to my brother and my cousin. They both play football at school level and were interested to see what it's like playing at a higher level. They gave us some feedback on the documentary on the form of a questionnaire.

Monday 21 November 2016

LO3: Final Film

This is our finished documentary. Overall I am very pleased with how it has turned out. I feel it gives a good representation of what it is like being a high standard amateur footballer and would give the target audience something they can relate to.

Sunday 20 November 2016

LO3: Producing and reviewing an offline edit

Above is our offline edit, which includes all the clips we filmed for the documentary. The footage ranges from the very first scene we filmed where Cal went to the football pitches he can first remember playing on, to the scenes on the football pitch he mainly uses today with his friends.

The scene at Graves Park was the most difficult to film, as the wind played a factor in the quality of the audio. The cars on the road and the people/dogs in the park also hindered the quality of the footage. During editing we will try and work around these to crop them from the final footage and adjust the audio so Cal's voice still remains but the wind is removed.

What went well was that we managed to film everything that we needed, and we got some really cool and great quality shots. Some of the goals that Cal scored during the football session will amaze the viewers, and could inspire them to try and score similar ones. The slow motion footage came out incredibly well too. The kick ups and tricks in the park especially look great and with some added effects during the post-production stage, will make them look even better.

Saturday 19 November 2016

LO3: Linking audio to visuals and applying audio effects

Here is an example of us applying the audio to the footage. In this clip Cal is walking around the football pitch where he can first remember playing football, with his voice over the top. When he was recording the audio he must have been too close to the device as some starts of words were too loud. We combated this problem by cutting the audio where it was too loud and reducing the volume. As it was only the start of the word that was interrupted, the edited audio still sounds the same quality as the original audio and still flows nicely.

Friday 18 November 2016

LO3: Applying appropriate visual effects and transitions

For one of the transitions Sam had the idea of the clip falling back into the other. To do this we had to open up an Adobe After Effects project. First we layered the clips over the top of each other. Next we found the effects that would help us achieve the transition. These were motion blurs. We put the motion blurs over the start and finish of the two clips and added keyframes for the clips to move backwards. We then exported this short clip to use in Premiere Pro, which is what we used to edit the documentary.